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Remedy x Coast Partnership

Our legendary brand, Willie’s Remedy, has collaborated with Coast Smokes to unveil new hemp smokeables. This launch pays tribute to Willie’s historic transition from cigarettes to cannabis. Willie Nelson tried to give up cigarettes, as he says, “a hundred times”. The hardest part was having something to light up and smoke. He finally gave them up for good when he rolled up 20 joints and replaced the Chesterfields in his pocket. He never looked back. This partnership is a nod to Willie’s decision to make a statement for personal choice and wellness. A non-addictive alternative to tobacco and a non-intoxicating option when you want to switch things up, our new selection of smokeables offer the drag you crave, without getting dragged down by nicotine or chemicals.

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Willie Nelson in back shirt and hat looking thoughtful

“A song in your heart will take you far.”

-Willie Nelson

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